Day 61- {2 month letter}

Dear Reid (aka. Bubba, Mr.Bubbles, Bugaboo or Winkey),

You are 2 months old today. That means that I have known you for 61 days! You are getting so big and are becoming stronger each day. You are working on some nice baby rolls on your legs and arms. You are still a sweet baby and you are so relaxed. I am so glad that I am your Mommy.

In the last month you have learned to: lift your head up at a 90 degree angle, use your voice to make more than one noise, make surprised, really sad and mad faces, suck your fingers and how to GROW like CRAZY. You have gained at least 2 inches in length since last month and you definitely weigh more. You go to your 2 month check up in a week and Mommy is not looking forward to it because you will get more shots. :(

It seems that you like to: move....A LOT, “talk” for longer periods of time, be carried in the Ergo, sit in your high chair during dinner, sleep and to be interacted with.

You are wearing: Most 0-3 month onesies are too short on you now. Newborn is REALLY short. In a few brands the 3 month size fits you perfectly in length, but not width, you are still so long and lean (even with the baby rolls). 6-9 months fits well for length but is still baggy, your waist isn’t fat enough to fill them out yet. 0-3 month pants are fitting around your waist and are getting a little short. 3 month pants are a little baggy, 3-6 month and 6-9 month pants fit for length but again, don't fit around your waist. It will be interesting to see if by next month you are a chubby little man. :o)

Even though deep down in my heart I want you to stay little forever, I am so looking forward to each stage of who you are and who you are growing to be. I don’t want to miss a moment of it Reid. You are precious to me, you are precious to Daddy, but mostly you are precious to Jesus. I pray that you’ll come to know Him.

I love you more than you know,

Your Mommy

P.S. Check out how much he has grown since last month by clicking here (click on the picture to view it larger)


{Embrace the camera}- August 26th


Day 60